Add Custom Robots.txt File in Blogger 2017

Add Custom Robots.txt File in Blogger

custom robots.txtAre you one of modern day bloggers without much knowledge of technical details, looking to enhance your blog's ratings and audience but don't know how to and your blogger friend told you that you can get a hike into your site visitors via editing your Robots.txt file? Or maybe you don't want search engines spiders to crawl through your pages? Or you do have a technical background but don't want to risk making changes without expert's words on topic? Well in either case, this is the right place for you to be. In this tutorial, you will see how to add Custom Robots.txt file in Blogger in a few easy steps.

But before we open and start working on Robots.txt, let's have a brief overview of its significance:
Warning! Use with caution. Incorrect use of these features can result in your blog being ignored by search engines.

What is Robots.txt?

With every blog that you create/post on your site, a related Robots.txt file is auto-generated by Blogger. The purpose of this file is to inform incoming robots (spiders, crawlers etc. sent by search engines like Google, Yahoo) about your blog, its structure and to tell whether or not to crawl pages on your blog. You as a blogger would like certain pages of your site to be indexed and crawled by search engines, while others you might prefer not to be indexed, like a label page, demo page or any other irrelevant page.

How do they see Robots.txt?

Well, Robots.txt is the first thing these spiders view as soon as they reach your site. Your Robots.txt is like a hour flight attendant, that directs you to your seat and keep checking that you don't enter private areas. Therefore, all the incoming spiders would only index files that Robots.txt would tell to, keeping others saved from indexing.

Where is Robots.txt located?

You can easily view your Robots.txt file either on your browser by adding /robots.txt to your blog address like or by simply signing into your blog and choosing Settings > Search engine Preference > Crawlers and indexing and selecting Edit next to Custom robots.txt.

blogger custom robots

How Robots.txt does looks like?

If you haven't touched your robots.txt file yet, it should look something like this:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Don't worry if it isn't colored or there isn't any line breaks in code, I colored it and placed line breaks so that you may understand what these words mean.

User-agent:Media partners-Google:
Mediapartners-Google is Google's AdSense robot that would often crawl your site looking for relevant ads to serve on your blog or site. If you disallow this option, they won't be able to see any ads on your specified posts or pages. Similarly, if you are not using Google AdSense ads on your site, simply remove both these lines.

User-agent: *
Those of you with little programming experience must have guessed the symbolic nature of character '*' (wildcard). For others, it specifies that this portion (and the lines beneath) is for all of you incoming spiders, robots, and crawlers.

Disallow: /search
Keyword Disallow, specifies the 'not to' do things for your blog. Add /search next to it, and that means you are guiding robots not to crawl the search pages /search results of your site. Therefore, a page result like will never be crawled and indexed.

Allow: /
Keyword Allow specifies 'to do' things for your blog. Adding '/' means that the robot may crawl your homepage.

Keyword Sitemap refers to our blogs sitemap; the given code here tells robots to index every new post. By specifying it with a link, we are optimizing it for efficient crawling for incoming guests, through which incoming robots will find path to our entire blog posts links, ensuring none of our posted blog posts will be left out from the SEO perspective.

However by default, the robot will index only 25 posts, so if you want to increase the number of index files, then replace the sitemap link with this one:
And if you have more than 500 published posts, then you can use these two sitemaps like below:
And if you have more than 500 published posts, then you can use these two sitemaps like below:

How to prevent posts/pages from being indexed and crawled?

In case you haven't yet discovered yourself, here is how to stop spiders from crawling and indexing particular pages or posts:

Disallow Particular Post

Disallow: /yyyy/mm/post-url.html
The /yyy/mm part specifies your blog posts publishing year and month and /post-url.html is the page you want them not to crawl. To prevent a post from being indexed/crawled simply copy the URL of your post that you want to exclude from indexing and remove the blog address from the beginning.

Disallow Particular Page

To disallow a particular page, you can use the same method as above. Just copy the page URL and remove your blog address from it, so that it will look something like this:
The /yyy/mm part specifies your blog posts publishing year and month and /post-url.html is the page you want them not to crawl. To prevent a post from being indexed/crawled simply copy the URL of your post that you want to exclude from indexing and remove the blog address from the beginning.

Disallow Particular Page

To disallow a particular page, you can use the same method as above. Just copy the page URL and remove your blog address from it, so that it will look something like this:
Disallow: /p/page-url.html

Adding Custom Robots.Txt to Blogger

Now let's see how exactly you can add Custom Robots.txt file in Blogger:

1. Sign in to you blogger account and click on your blog.
2. Go to Settings > Search Preferences  > Crawlers and indexing.

blogger custom robots.txt

3. Select 'Edit' next to Custom robots.txt and check the 'Yes' check box. 
4. Paste your code or make changes as per your needs.

custom robots.txt

5. Once you are done, press Save Changes button.
6. And congratulations, you are done!

How to see if changes are being made to Robots.txt?

As explained above, simply type your blog address in the url bar of your browser and add /robots.txt at the end of your url as you can see in this example below:
Adding Custom Robots.Txt to Blogger
Now let's see how exactly you can add Custom Robots.txt file in Blogger:

1. Sign in to you blogger account and click on your blog.
2. Go to Settings > Search Preferences  > Crawlers and indexing.

blogger custom robots.txt

3. Select 'Edit' next to Custom robots.txt and check the 'Yes' check box.
4. Paste your code or make changes as per your needs.

custom robots.txt

5. Once you are done, press Save Changes button.
6. And congratulations, you are done!

How to see if changes are being made to Robots.txt?

As explained above, simply type your blog address in the url bar of your browser and add /robots.txt at the end of your url as you can see in this example below:
Once you visit the robots.txt file, you will see the code which you are using in your custom robots.txt file. See the below screenshot:

custom robots

Final Words:
Are we through then bloggers? Are you done adding the Custom Robots.txt in Blogger? It was easy, once you knew what those code words meant. If you couldn't get it for the first time, just go again through the tutorial and before long, you will be customizing your friends' robots.txt files.

In any case, from SEO and site ratings it's important to make that tiny bit of changes to your robots.txt file, so don't be a sloth. Learning is fun, as long as its free, isn't it?
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technical writing about behaviour driven test (BDD) using Cucumber

This is a tutorial / technical writing about behaviour driven test (BDD) using Cucumber (Gherkin)

Installing Cucumber -
This plugin is required for creating feature file/ BDD editor

Cucumber JVM JUnit

Cucumber JVM Java

Cucumber Core

BDD - Behaviour Driven Development/ TDD.
The main purpose of BDD is to bridge the gap between the one who is developing the software by actually writing the code and the one who has the idea to have a software which does xyz things. 

Using cucumber we write test since the beginning of the project and can have an idea of actually how the software would behave when fully developed in a sense cucumber helps to develop a full set of automated acceptance test.

The main layer of cucumber test suite consists of Feature, Step Definition and Runner class.
The Feature file is where we actually write the test in plain English using a certain set of key words like Give/ When/ Then / And . But these keywords are just for illustration purpose, even if you use any hing arbitrary things would still work without any issue. 

Cucumber Feature Files

# Feature file containing scenarios of wordpress login
Feature: wordpress blog site login

  Scenario: perform a successful login with valid credentials
    Given I am on wordpress login page
    When I enter valid userName and valid password
    And I click on the login button
    Then I am able to login to the wordpress

  Scenario: perform a login with invalid userName
    Given I am on wordpress login page
    When I enter invalid userName and valid password
    And I click on the login button
    Then I should get ERROR: Invalid username.

  Scenario: perform a login with invalid password
    Given I am on wordpress login page
    When I enter valid userName and in valid password
    And I click on the login button
    Then I should get ERROR: The password you entered for the email address is incorrect.

  Scenario: perform a login with invalid userName and invalid password
    Given I am on wordpress login page
    When I enter invalid userName and invalid password
    And I click on the login button
    Then I should get ERROR: Invalid email address

# Wordpress logout feature
Feature: wordpress logout feature

  Scenario: to check for available links on logout option
    Given I am on wordpress dashboard page
    When I mouse hover to the logged in email address
    Then I get the logged in email address
    And Edit My Profile link
    And Logout Option

  Scenario: to validate a logout action
    Given I am on wordpress dashboard page
    When I mouse hover to the logged in email address
    Then I get logout Option
    And when i click on logut
    Then i am logged out
    And can see message You are now logged out on home page

  Scenario: to check if sessions get invalidate after logout
    Given I have performed a successful login
    When I enter URL http://localhost:8888/wordpress/wp-admin/ directly in browser
    And Hit enter
    Then I should be redirected back to home page asking for userName and password

Cucumber Runner Class

The most import annotation used in the runner class is @CucumberOptions
Following options are available in cucumber

  • Features: path of the feature file or features file in format {"feature_file1","feature_file2"}
  • dryRun: by default the value is false. When it is true on those steps on feature file are executed whose steps are converted into step definition. For those in feature file whose steps are not converted as methods ins step definition file are skipped

When dryRun=false every steps in the feature files would be skipped if steps does not have a complete method in step definition class

when dryRun = true

when dryRun = false

  • glue: package name where the stepDefinition class resided
  • monochrome: for formatting 

In valid Gherkin a Feature must be followed by either

  • Scenario
  • Background
  • Scenario Outline 

Scenario: starts with description followed by steps which consists of keyword like Given, When, Then, And, But or you can simply ignore these keywords and write test steps using * .

  Scenario: perform a successful login with valid credentials
    Given I am on wordpress login page
    When I enter valid userName and valid password
    And I click on the login button
    Then I am able to login to the wordpress

When we have repeated steps in every scenario we can take those repeated steps in background

For Example : In this feature file several steps are repeated for every scenario. Instead of repeating this step on each scenario we can take this step on Background section as shown below:

# Feature file for creating new post and editing existing post and moving post to trash
Feature: wordpress post functionality of adding post, editing post and deleting post

  Scenario: to validate add post functionality
    Given i am on wordpress login page
    When i enter valid userName and password
    And click on login
    Then i login to wordpress successfully
    And i click on post
    And click on add new
    And i add post tilte and post body
    Then i click on publish to publish a new post

  Scenario: to validate edit post functionality
    Given i am on wordpress login page
    When i enter valid userName and password
    And click on login
    Then i login to wordpress successfully
    And i click on post
    And i select the post which i need to edit
    And i click on edit
    And enter updated details to the post
    Then i click on update to update and publish the post at the same time

  Scenario: to validate delete post functionality
    Given i am on wordpress login page
    When i enter valid userName and password
    And click on login
    Then i login to wordpress successfully
    And i click on post
    And i select the post which i need to delete
    And i select move to trash from dropdown
    And click on apply

Modified the above feature file using Background
The steps in the background are executed at the beginning of each scenario, just as they were before. What we have done is made each individual scenario much easier to read. 

# Feature file for creating new post and editing existing post and moving post to trash
Feature: wordpress post functionality of adding post, editing post and deleting post
  Backround: description of background section
    Given i am on wordpress login page
    When i enter valid userName and password
    And click on login
    Then i login to wordpress successfully
    And i click on post

  Scenario: to validate add post functionality
    And click on add new
    And i add post tilte and post body
    Then i click on publish to publish a new post

  Scenario: to validate edit post functionality
    And i select the post which i need to edit
    And i click on edit
    And enter updated details to the post
    Then i click on update to update and publish the post at the same time

  Scenario: to validate delete post functionality
    And i select the post which i need to delete
    And i select move to trash from dropdown
    And click on apply

DataDriven Test Using Cucumber

Given example for two scenario
Scenario 1: from list and
Scenario 2: from data table

Scenario: from list
    Given the following users: user1,user2,user3,user4

  Scenario: from data table
    Given i have the following user and password
      | userName | password    |
      | user_01  | password_01 |
      | user_02  | password_01 |
      | user_03  | password_01 |

This step definition is for the Feature -> scenario : from list

@Given("^the following users: (.*)")
 public void the_following_users_user_user_user_user(List<String> userList) throws Throwable {
  // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  // throw new PendingException();
  Iterator<String> it = userList.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext()) {


This step definition is for Feature "From data table"
Step Definition method for data table using Map<String, String>

 @Given("^i have the following user and password$") public void  dataMap01(Map<String, String> userDetails) throws Throwable { // Write
//   code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions // For
//   automatic transformation, change DataTable to one of // List<YourType>,
//   List<List<E>>, List<Map<K,V>> or Map<K,V>. // E,K,V must be a scalar
//   (String, Integer, Date, enum etc) // throw new PendingException();
   Set<Entry<String, String>> set = userDetails.entrySet();
   Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = set.iterator(); while(it.hasNext())
   { Entry<String, String> next =;
   System.out.println(next.getKey()); System.out.println(next.getValue()); }

Step Definition method for data table using List<Map<K,V>>

@Given("^i have the following user and password$")
 public void dataMap02(List<Map<String, String>> userDetails) throws Throwable {
  // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
  // For automatic transformation, change DataTable to one of
  // List<YourType>, List<List<E>>, List<Map<K,V>> or Map<K,V>.
  // E,K,V must be a scalar (String, Integer, Date, enum etc)
  // throw new PendingException();
  Iterator<Map<String, String>> it = userDetails.iterator();
  while (it.hasNext()) {
   Set<Entry<String, String>> set =;
   Iterator<Entry<String, String>> mapIt = set.iterator();
   while (mapIt.hasNext()) {
    Entry<String, String> next =;



# this feature file will illustrate how we can create data
# through Gherkin for the purpose of data driven test
Feature: generate data
like instiantiate the webDriver
something like destroying instance of webDriver
like instiantiate the webDriver

  Scenario: from list                                  # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:5
    Given the following users: user1,user2,user3,user4 # DataStepDefinition.the_following_users_user_user_user_user(String>)
something like destroying instance of webDriver

  Scenario: from data table                      # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:8
    Given i have the following user and password # DataStepDefinition.dataMap02(String,String>>)

2 Scenarios (2 passed)
2 Steps (2 passed)

For complex data table Scenario

Scenario: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations
    Given I have the following customer information
      | firstName | middleName | lastName | dob        | userType | password | userName |
      | sudas     | s          | das      | 22-01-2015 | admin    | admin1   | Allen    |
      | sdas      | s          | das      | 15-01-2015 | user     | admin2   | Dave     |
      | pdas      |            | das      | 16-01-2015 | user     | admin3   | Bob      |

Create a user Model class


public class UserModel {

 String firstName;
 String middleName;
 String lastName;
 String dob;
 String userType;
 String password;
 String userName;

 public UserModel(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, String dob, String userType, String password,
   String userName) {
  this.firstName = firstName;
  this.middleName = middleName;
  this.lastName = lastName;
  this.dob = dob;
  this.userType = userType;
  this.password = password;
  this.userName = userName;

 public String getFirstName() {
  return firstName;

 public String getMiddleName() {
  return middleName;

 public String getLastName() {
  return lastName;

 public String getDob() {
  return dob;

 public String getUserType() {
  return userType;

 public String getPassword() {
  return password;

 public String getUserName() {
  return userName;


Now in step definition method get the values like

 @Given("^I have the following customer information$")
 public void i_have_the_following_customer_information(List<UserModel> users) throws Throwable {
     // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
     // For automatic transformation, change DataTable to one of
     // List<YourType>, List<List<E>>, List<Map<K,V>> or Map<K,V>.
     // E,K,V must be a scalar (String, Integer, Date, enum etc)
//     throw new PendingException();


something like destroying instance of webDriver

  Scenario: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:15
    Given I have the following customer information   

When to use what 

Use of data table

These steps are replaced by below data table

Given a User "Michael Jackson" born on August 29, 1958 And a User "Elvis" born on January 8, 1935
And a User "John Lennon" born on October 9, 1940

Given these Users:
| name | date of birth |  
| Michael Jackson | August 29, 1958 |  
| Elvis | January 8, 1935 |  
| John Lennon | October 9, 1940 |

Then I should see a vehicle that matches the following description: 
| Wheels | 2 |
|MaxSpeed |60mph |
| Accessories | lights, shopping basket |

Then my shopping list should contain: | Onions |
| Potatoes |
| Sausages |
| Apples   |
| Relish   |

Use Of Scenario Outline

Sometimes you have several scenarios that follow exactly the same pattern of steps, just with different input values or expected outcomes. For example, suppose we are testing the user details for each users.  Instead of writing the multiple same scenario with only different set of data the same can be achieved through ScenarioOutline

Scenario Outline: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations
    Given the userConsole
    When select the user <UserName>
    Then the user should belong to company <Company>
    And the user should belong to company <Org>
    And the user should belong to company <Department>
    And the user shoud have the email as <Email>
    And the user account should not be disabled <IsDisabled>

      | UserName | Company    | Org        | Department | Email           | IsDisabled |
      | User_01  | ABC Corp.  | ABC Org    | R and D    | | No         |
      | User_02  | Space X    | Space Org  | Accounts   |  | No         |
      | User_03  | Speed King | King's Org | Sales      |  | No         |

And below is how the method will be implemented

# this feature file will illustrate how we can create data
# through Gherkin for the purpose of data driven test
Feature: generate data
like instiantiate the webDriver
something like destroying instance of webDriver
like instiantiate the webDriver

  Scenario: from list                                  # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:5
    Given the following users: user1,user2,user3,user4 # DataStepDefinition.the_following_users_user_user_user_user(String>)
something like destroying instance of webDriver
like instiantiate the webDriver

  Scenario: from data table                      # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:8
    Given i have the following user and password # DataStepDefinition.dataMap02(String,String>>)
something like destroying instance of webDriver

  Scenario: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:15
    Given I have the following customer information                                                      # DataStepDefinition.i_have_the_following_customer_information(UserModel>)

  Scenario Outline: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:22
    Given the userConsole
    When select the user <UserName>
    Then the user should belong to company <Company>
    And the user should belong to company <Org>
    And the user should belong to company <Department>
    And the user shoud have the email as <Email>
    And the user account should not be disabled <IsDisabled>

like instiantiate the webDriver
something like destroying instance of webDriver
like instiantiate the webDriver

  Scenario Outline: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:33
    Given the userConsole
    When select the user User_01
    Then the user should belong to company ABC Corp.
    And the user should belong to company ABC Org
    And the user should belong to company R and D
    And the user shoud have the email as
    And the user account should not be disabled No
something like destroying instance of webDriver
like instiantiate the webDriver

  Scenario Outline: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:34
    Given the userConsole
    When select the user User_02
    Then the user should belong to company Space X
    And the user should belong to company Space Org
    And the user should belong to company Accounts
    And the user shoud have the email as
    And the user account should not be disabled No
something like destroying instance of webDriver

  Scenario Outline: create a table with multiple column and retieve data from several columns in step dfinations # /Users/S_Das/Documents/Java/sudas.workspace/CucumberForJava/PageObjectModel/com/sudas/wordpress/BDD/test/data/dataGenerator.feature:35
    Given the userConsole
    When select the user User_03
    Then the user should belong to company Speed King
    And the user should belong to company King's Org
    And the user should belong to company Sales
    And the user shoud have the email as
    And the user account should not be disabled No

6 Scenarios (3 undefined, 3 passed)
24 Steps (21 undefined, 3 passed)

You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:

@Given("^the userConsole$")
public void the_userConsole() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@When("^select the user User_(\\d+)$")
public void select_the_user_User_(int arg1) throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company ABC Corp\\.$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_ABC_Corp() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company ABC Org$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_ABC_Org() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company R and D$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_R_and_D() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user shoud have the email as User_(\\d+)@abc\\.com$")
public void the_user_shoud_have_the_email_as_User__abc_com(int arg1) throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user account should not be disabled No$")
public void the_user_account_should_not_be_disabled_No() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company Space X$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_Space_X() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company Space Org$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_Space_Org() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company Accounts$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_Accounts() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user shoud have the email as User_(\\d+)@sx\\.com$")
public void the_user_shoud_have_the_email_as_User__sx_com(int arg1) throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company Speed King$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_Speed_King() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company King's Org$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_King_s_Org() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user should belong to company Sales$")
public void the_user_should_belong_to_company_Sales() throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^the user shoud have the email as User_(\\d+)@sk\\.com$")
public void the_user_shoud_have_the_email_as_User__sk_com(int arg1) throws Throwable {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();
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